Sunday, March 14, 2010

Somewhere in Taloki Land.

Landon Lee Fullmer. He is my very first baby, the child that brought me into the wondrous gift of motherhood. I often reflect back on the days before Landon was born and I had no clue what to expect. I had so many goals and ideals for a tiny person that hadn't even taken his first breath yet. I knew the moment I found out of his arrival he would be a boy. I'd always wanted a son first. I'm not sure if it was to have leadership for future siblings (as his father wanted) or what but I knew I wanted a son. I remember my first glimpse at him and thinking he was beautiful. I had been told that most newborns look like little old people and parents are often surprised they aren't the perfect, pudgy, vision of a baby. This was not the case with Landon. He was perfect and beautiful and far above what I'd imagined.

Now he will be five tomorrow and I have no clue how these years faded. The tiny baby I once held is now an energetic, intelligent, iron man loving, soon to be five year old. We went on a date , just him and I last night. We ate chicken nuggets, french fries and icecream. He built an owl at our local build a bear then I took him grocery shopping where he ran around insanely trying to talk me into every treat and toy he found.

A part of Landon that still mesmerizes me ever since the moment this aspect popped his green 2 in head into our lives is Taloki. What is a Taloki? I have been asking this question since my three year old son announced his existence while we were sitting in the hardware store parking lot waiting for Isaac to pick up home improvement items. From what I have always gathered Taloki is 2 inches tall has green hair, green pants and many red shirts. Also where Taloki comes from he is a superhero who can blast villains. Taloki has a mommy, daddy, little brother and sister. His family travels around in a bus which is where they live. Taloki has been full of mischief from the start and has aided in scribbled walls and even an egg toss all over my kitchen floor.

I have no idea where my small child came up with the name Taloki and I have done massive research to find out where he could have found the name most of the time my searches have come up empty handed until the other day. I found something almost comical and closely related to Taloki that it makes me wonder. I came across the name Loki. Loki is the Norse god of well let's just say, mischief. I find this funny that my son came up with a mischievous friend whose name is so close to the god of mischief.

It has been two years and Taloki has still never gone away. He has had birthdays several times a year since people in his world have them more than once a year. He has helped protect Landon from fierce evil monsters that seek to reveal their shadows in the dark of night. I have often wondered if the invention from Taloki was a sign that I needed to get my son out more and cringed when we are at a playgroup and hear Landon point to the empty space next to him and tell his fellow peers that this is Taloki.

Last night I finally asked Landon when did you find Taloki? He said "Don't you remember mom? It was when we lived in that house in Missouri. When we first moved in there I was three and sad that we didn't know anyone and everyone was really far away. Taloki came because I was sad and became my friend."

So who is Taloki an imaginary friend who my child just won't quit imagining into existence. I'm not really sure and movies like "Drop Dead Fred" and "Harvey" come to mind and once in awhile I wonder if Taloki may be more than what my adult mind will allow me to believe. But after all is said in done I am glad my son sees the magic in the unseen and I realize how quickly logic replaces the innocence and belief of childhood. Years from now when Taloki is no longer slaying monsters or helping to make art projects on the wall. I hope that Landon will still look back and keep some of the magic that formed the existence of one of his very first friends.

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