Wednesday, March 17, 2010

glasses, chiropractor and maybe TMI

Growing up I never went to a chiropractor. I had the slightest idea of what they did but the one in our town was a little on the crazy side and we avoided his practice. Fast forward to 2004 I marry a man whose family is obsessed with chiropractic care. My husband insists he has to go frequently and that I have no clue what back pain is since I have never been adjusted I have no clue what it feels like to be in therefor I'm used to the pain making his much worse.

I had my first adjustment about a week before Landon was born. I was told it can speed up your labor and my first labor was four and half hours but who knows what contributed to that, the overload on pitocin, genetics that skipped my mother and blessed me with their presence or some unknown factor floating out there. But after that first adjustment I joined the world of the chiropractic obsessed. I knew it could help align your body and this made sense for back pain and faster labors. But I knew chiropractors also claimed they could help a lot of internal systems. I believed this to some degree but never witnessed it fully until the other day.

This is where it may get TMI so feel free to look away from the computer screen or just click off the screen. Ronan has never had a normal BM. He has been constipated and nothing I tried helped. I was told it was due to his low muscle tone and we would most likely just have to live with it. Then this week I took him for his very first adjustment. The chiropractor asked me about his BMs I said he is always constipated. The chiropractor feels around his lower back and says that it is really stuck but he gently gets it back in place. The chiropractor then tells me that should help. Guess what?! That very night Ronan has his very first normal BM! And he has everyday since. I'm floored, thrilled! Coincidence, maybe but unlikely. Nothing else I tried worked but one simple adjustment and the problem is fixed.

So lesson to the wise if you don't have a chiropractor find one I would not have survived four and half pregnancies without one. They helped my oldest when he had torticollis, instead of hours of therapy a few adjustments fixed his severally stiff neck and now they helped my baby to poop normal!

Now about glasses. On the same day as the miraculous adjustment Ronan got glasses. We got them in the afternoon so he only used them a short time. He somewhat tolerated them. The next day my persistence became more annoying to him and by today it was pure misery for the fact I insisted he wear his glasses. I was given some great suggestions including giving him Tylenol before putting the glasses on in case they are causing him a headache. I'm going to try that in the morning and I'm hoping this will help and the battle of the glasses will be at least eased.

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