Sunday, March 14, 2010

It seems I've forgotten I created this blog

I should be more regular now in posting updates. I have four babies now Ronan joined our family on May 29, 2009. I believe I will post a few more blogs about him in the future. I want to talk more in depth about what he has brought to our family and the wisdom his tiny presence has bestowed upon me. For now Landon will be five tomorrow. He is a bundle of energy still. He seems to have been this ball of electricity zooming at an immeasurable speed since well before he was born. Five years later I have still not learned how to catch him.

Xander. What do I say about this boy Xander. He announced today that he has a humongous head and that Yoda (from Star Wars) is his favorite little person. He is always coming up with things that astound me. His words often make me wonder if he is indeed three years old or a little old man masked behind cuteness.

Jadzia is completely a princess. She is very proper and hates being dirty. Frosting from a cookie caked on her hand will send her reeling into a tantrum that seems to demote her royal status just a bit. She is now fully potty trained which she decided to do over just one night.

Now there's baby Ronan. My sweet, brave Ronan who has endured more than a lifetime of struggles. His smile melts my heart. He is beautiful, opinionated and determined. But as I said I will talk more in detail about Ronan in the future.

Also we have a new baby girl on the way. She is due July 9th and I can't wait to see her face and hold her tight. So there's the update hopefully I can keep this up to datein the future.

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